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Items discussed included: Presentation by Group Captain Sohail Khan - Regional Commandant, Scotland & Northern Ireland Region HQ, RAF Air Cadets, TKCC constitution, Royal Mail deliveries, Correspondence received

Items discussed included: Highland Council Consultations, Roads, Correspondence received, Planning applications

19 June 2024 - AGM & Ordinary Meeting

Items discussed included:  Chair's review of 2024,  Local Place Plan, Shared Rural Network  update, Correspondence received, Planning applications

Items discussed included:  Shared Rural Network update, Guest speaker – Allan McLean, Station Commander, North Service Area, Scottish Fire & Rescue, GALE - Gairloch CC proposals, Correspondence received, Planning applications

Items discussed included:  Shared Rural Network update, Discussion with Jess Carnegie, NTS, Meetings with Maree Todd MSP, Correspondence received, Planning applications

Items discussed included:  Shared Rural Network update, Correspondence received, Planning applications

Items discussed included:  Local Place Plan, Possible Ward 5 Roads meeting, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Kinlochewe Primary School HC Consultation, Mobile Library Service, Shared Rural Network (SRN) update, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:   Local Place Plan (LPL), Shared Rural Network (SRN) mobile phone masts, Planning Applications, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:   Presentation by Bakkafrost Area Manager Skye and Mainland - Douglas Macleod, Kishorn Port Community Liaison Group update, Planning Applicatoins, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:   Community Council elections, Proposed mobile phone masts – Shared Rural Network, Highland Council mobile library service, Proposed change to GALE’s operating area/ area of benefit, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:   Presentation by Gregor Watson, Highland Council Access Ranger, Scottish Government Visitor Levy Bill, Community development plan update, Correspondence received

21 June 2023 - AGM & Ordinary Meeting

Items discussed included:  Chair's review of 2023,  TreeStory - Ben Damph Woodland Scoping Document; Ben Damph Woodland Creation Concept One; Ben Damph Woodland Creation Concept Two; Planning Applications, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Guest Speaker – Kate Earnshaw, NHS Scotland, TKCC Elections, Use of COVID funds, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Roads, Community Development Plan, SEPA opinion survey, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Proposed Slattadale Car Parking charges, Torridon School Consultation, Roads, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Peter Fenton - South West Ross Community Car Scheme, Torridon School Consultation, Community Map Scotland, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Community Development Plan,  Kishorn Port & Dry Dock Community Liaison Group, SWRCCS Community Minibus Consultation, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Gregor Watson, HC Ranger Community Torridon School Consultations, Community Development Plan, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Community Development Plan update, Community Regeneration Fund, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Fiona MacKenzie, Trustee of Slatterdale SCIO,  WRSL Community Council Roads Meeting, Planning applications, Correspondence

Items discussed included:  Update from Community Development Plan action group, Mains electricity – Torridon to Shieldaig, Planning applications, Correspondence

Items discussed included:  Planning applications, Community E-bike trial,  Correspondence

15 June 2022 - AGM & Ordinary Meeting

Items discussed included:  Chair's review of 2021,  Torridon Gateway presentations, Community Development Plan update, Roads

Items discussed included:  Report on visit to Kishorn Port, Community Development Plan, Correspondence received

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Doug Bartholomew - Nature Reserve Manager, Loch Maree, Roads

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Julie Wileman - HC Community Support Co-ordinator, NTS Torridon Gateway, Roads

Items discussed included:  Roads & Gritting, Community development plan survey, Core paths

Items discussed included:  Roads & Gritting, Community development plan survey

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Paul Bolton, NTS Ranger, Community development plan survey, Torridon Public Toilet facilities

Items discussed included:  Community development plan survey, Roads Update, Torridon Public Toilet facilities, NatureScot - Loch Maree Islands 

Items discussed included:  Cape Wrath Ultra, Post Office services at Torridon, 

30 June 2021 - AGM & Ordinary meeting

Items discussed included:  Chair's review of 2020, Ranger Service, Roads update

Items discussed included:  Presentation by CELTMAN, Community Development Plan Update, Roads update

Items discussed included:  Presentation by GALE, Community Development Plan Update, Waste & Public Toilets

Items discussed included:  Community Development Plan, Communities Housing Trust, Waste & Public Toilets, Seamus MacNally retirement

Items discussed included:  Community Development Plan, Public Toilets 

Items discussed included:  NTS plans for the Torridon estate, Torridon & Kinlochewe development plan, Torridon Public Toilet facilities 

Items discussed included:  Report by PC Craig Allan, HIE Communities Recovery Fund, Reports on discussion with other local organisations

Items discussed included:  Presentation by Community Out West, HIE Communities Recovery Fund, Roads update, The Grampian Club Centenary Woodland Project

Items discussed included:  Appointment of Office bearers of the new TKCC committee, Meeting with the HC Roads Department is discuss current state of Ward 5 roads , COVID grant update

Items discussed included:  Interim Elections, COVID grant update; TKCC communications; Diabaig mast petition 

Items discussed included:  MOWI presentation about plans for Torridon Fish Farm planning application; COVID grant update; NC500 webinar; Public toilets; Local heroes initiative

Items discussed included: Planning applications - MOWI, Diabaig telecoms mast; COVID grant update; Defibrillators; Roads; NC500 webinar; Public toilets; Local heroes initiative

Items discussed included: Chairman's report; election of office bearers; 

Items discussed included: COVID grant update; Defibrillators; Roads, MOWI planning application

Items discussed included: Successful COVID grant application to HIE; TKCC comms and website; Roads; Emergency services mast Diabaig

Items discussed included: COVID 19 - community response planning; Westerbus; Torridon play park

Items discussed included: Appointment of office bearers; adoption of the constitution; Emergency services report 

Items included: Review of 2019 

Items discussed included: Roads; Torridon School & play park; Bealach Mor cycle events

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